Friday, July 13, 2012

Team Firefighter - Mission Fitness

If you've been reading this blog/following the previous website/know a team member/were in the same room (okay zip code), you know we're passionate about fitness.  Especially this thing called triathlon.  And every day is a challenge to get your work out done in between work, family, training, and any other responsibility we carry.  Especially when you find out that none of us are elite - we aren't paid for this.  In fact, we're raising money for a cause!

So the question is, how do you get a workout in between running calls and the normal business of being a firefighter?  What are those tips and tricks that you can pass on to other firefighters to help them get fit in our extremely busy lives?  Leave a comment below, or go to our facebook page at and leave a comment there.  Your ideas and story might be featured on a future post! 

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