Code 3 for a Cure

History behind Code 3 for a Cure Foundation

Code 3 for a Cure Foundation (C3FC) is a nonprofit 501(c)3 public charity organization.  Like most worthy causes, C3FC was formed because of one person's struggles. Firefighter/ Engineer Lorenzo Abundiz (Santa Ana, California, USA), a 27-year veteran of the fire service, was first diagnosed with cancer in 1998, forced into an early medical disability retirement in 2001, and since then has been diagnosed with two other cancers. 

As Abundiz lay in a hospital bed at USCMedicalCenter in Los Angeles recovering from kidney surgery on March 12, 2006, he was inspired to do something to help other firefighters who are going through similar struggles. Out of that moment grew Code 3 for a Cure, an organization formed specifically to help firefighters who are diagnosed with cancer and their families, as well as select nonprofits that are helping fight the war on cancer.

Purpose of Code 3 for a Cure Foundation
Ø       Provide financial assistance to active and retired firefighters diagnosed with cancer who are facing a financial hardship. * Firefighters who receive financial assistance will not be required or requested to repay it.
Ø       Assist active and retired firefighters diagnosed with cancer by providing them with referrals to other nonprofit organizations, as well as providing them with support by giving encouragement and sharing our experiences. (The Foundation does not provide medical advice.)
Ø       Provide financial support to other nonprofit organizations conducting cancer research and/or assisting firefighter cancer victims and their families.


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